So what’s new this week? Nothing much. I announced to two of my friends who are also expecting (one due in 21 days and the other due in November). It’s been weird keeping this secret. I also announced to my coworkers today that I was expecting. Again nice to have that out. I felt like I couldn’t wear ‘maternity-like’ clothes without people knowing. Now I’m free to let my bump out. Not that I really have a bump… let my blob out! There we go.
This week has been good though. I’ve felt great, mood wise. I’m relieved that the ‘happiness’ is back with this pregnancy (i.e…not being on my medication and being ‘okay’). But really, my mood has been great, temper and patience awesome!
I’ve been drinking an s-ton of water. It gets boring sometimes. I had those Crystal Light packets but ran out. I should probably pick more up. I don’t really like the Mio stuff though. It’s either not enough in there or too much.
How far along? 12 Weeks almost to the 2nd trimester…
Sleep? Tossing and turning a bit more. Not really sure if I’m uncomfortable, hot, etc.
Maternity Clothes? Yes and no. For pants/shorts, I feel most comfortable in maternity wear. I would have to unbutton my pants to sit down before and it was awkward buttoning them back up to walk around…
Stretch Marks? No new ones.
Best Moment this week? Telling some good friends the news and buying some new clothes!
Miss Anything? Meh...not really. I’ve never liked sushi, fish, deli meat, etc. Alcohol is the only thing I kind of miss and even then it’s not a big deal.
Movement? Maybe…I can’t tell but there are little things here and there that make me wonder.
Size of the Baby? A lime. 2 Inches. Can’t believe it’s already that big.
Food Cravings? Cheese coneys!!! Gold Star or Skyline!
Food Aversions? Not really.
Morning Sickness? No, random short-lived nausea.
Gender? Unknown. But we will find out! We’re looking at October.
Bed Rest? Nope
Limitations? Nope
Labor Signs? Nope
Weight Gain? About 4-5 lbs-ish.
Pregnancy Symptoms? Tired but not exhausted, feel a pressure in my uterine-area, I don’t know….
Belly Button In or Out? In
Wedding Rings On or Off? On
Mood? Very good!
Looking Forward To? Having a long weekend. Not sure what I’m going to do but I’m sure it’ll be fun!