...is stress. Seriously. I know I get stressed out easily but this is something that anyone would be stressed about.
Originally we thought Sandy would need 3 days off every other week while she gets chemo treatments. For those days my mother would watch Crinks. I just found out yesterday that my mother is having foot Surgery May 16th and won't be able to put any pressure on her foot for 8-10 weeks. *sigh* Talk about a wrench in the plans.
Now, I have the horrible task of letting Sandy know that we need to find an alternate solution for Crinks. I feel bad from the income stand point as I know she needs it due to upcoming medical bills but I also feel bad 'taking' Crinks away from her. She loves him and I can tell. It's not forever I don't think but the current situation is just not working. I think, being a mom herself, that she'll understand but I know she'll be upset.
This is why I don't ever want to be a manager. I just don't think I could discuss 'bad' things with people on any sort of regular basis. I want to make everyone happy (which believe me, I know isn't possible) so yeah.
That is what is going on today. And it sucks. On top of all of that, we're thinking about sending Crinks to a daycare. This is not something I wanted to do until he was 2 or 3. But, I need to do what I need to do.
The bright side is that the daycare we're looking at has webcams so you can login and watch your baby throughout the day. I have a friend that is an assistant director there so I completely trust her and know she wouldn't tolerate any shit going on. It's a clean place, really new (less than a year old), and the cost includes some cool things.
I know this is for the best in the long run and everything will work out. I just need to keep reminding myself of that.
I'm looking forward to lunch today. Not so much where we are going, Olive Garden, but it'll be a team lunch which are always fun. Okay back to work!
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