Tuesday, January 29, 2013

My Weightloss Journey....

So far.

So I still have a ways to go.  But I'm currently down 30 lbs since July 2012.  And 65 lbs down since Crinks was born, August 2011.

September 2011 - 270lbs

December 2012 - 243 lbs

January 2013 - 237lbs

This is nasty, I'm sorry.... but you can see that I've lost quite a few inches too.

I have a feeling I'm going to be going for a tummy tuck after baby #2

So there you have it.  I've been keeping up my routine of intense boot camp 3 days a week and just eating healthy.  I stay fairly strict to the plan during the week.  I don't go crazy on the weekends but I don't prohibit myself either.  I'm sure if I did the weight loss would be going a lot more quickly.  Oh well...in time.

I feel so much better.  I've notice less discomfort in my knees.  Two things that I get really excited about:

1) I don't run out of breath, even the tiniest bit, going up a flight of stairs!
2) I can get up and down from the floor without needing to use my hands.

 Just the difference I feel in my body is so incredible.  So much stronger than I ever was.  Getting to this point has been great and I can't wait to keep pushing forward.  I'm hoping to lose another 30 lbs by the end of this year!

I do think we're going to try and get pregnant though at the end of this year so fingers crossed I can get there before then!

It's late and I'm tired.  I'm going to call The Bage and see where he is.  He's getting groceries and is still not back yet :(

Pace et Buona Notte,

Scream & Shout!

Scream & Shout!

I'm just totally rocking out to this song.  Britney's doing a weird accent thing but the song rocks and I may or may not be bouncing dancing in my chair :) .


Monday, January 28, 2013

The Roller Coaster Part 2 - Understanding

So Part 1 was the last post on here.  I was really just giving an overview of me and my particular circumstances but everyone is different.  I'm certainly not an expert in this field.  I did major in Psychology in college and loved it but didn't pay particular close attention to depression.

So, Understanding...

One thing my husband said to me last Wednesday, after my little breakdown, was that he didn't understand.  That he has tried to put himself in my shoes but just doesn't get it.  He has said this almost every other time this has happened.  For some reason though, it didn't click until now.  Before I would tell him that I couldn't control what I did and that I was really sorry and didn't mean it.  But he didn't get it, how could he?

That would be like me looking at someone who has Parkinson's Disease and saying I know they have a problem but why can't they just stop moving like that?  That disease is on a more serious level but I think you get the point.  If we haven't experienced something, it can be extremely difficult to understand it.  Especially things that aren't "the norm".  So, when this light bulb went off in my head it dawned on me.  I'm not explaining this in terms that he can relate to.

The best analogy I could come up with right then was running.  The Bage has started a couch to 5k running regimen so I figured this would resonate with him.  This is what I said:

"Okay, say you go to the gym and you say to yourself, I'm going to run 10 minutes straight today.  The longest you had ever run before was 8 minutes straight.  You get going and you're running and running.  You get to the 8 minute mark and think, 'Man, I'm really tired.  But I'm going to run 10 minutes today!'.  You get to the 9 minute mark and you are exhausted, you've never run this long before and your legs are giving out.  At that point, you can think to yourself, 'I'm going to run the full 10 minutes.'  But you can't.  You physically cannot go any further.  Your body's physical and chemical reactions take over and you need, not just want, but need to stop."

I thought I did a fairly good job finding a legitimate comparison.  Something that everyone can relate to but is similar in nature.  It's like me telling myself I'm going to fly, just me, no help or equipment.  I can tell myself that all I want, but it's not going to happen.

I think it helped a little bit, I'll have to ask him now that the dust has settled.  But that was the start of it.  Of my quest to help him understand what I go through, what anyone who deals with this goes through when certain things happen.  Not only to understand but to be able to help me.  Because, and I'm not ashamed to admit it, I need help.

The next day, I googled "helping spouse understand depression" and other variations of that statement.  I included some websites that gave a general overview of depression.  I found some that talked about signs someone is going through depression.  But while I was looking at these I realized that (as far as I know) the only information he's received on depression has come from me.  I've always relayed my sessions with therapists.  I've always told him what I'm thinking and feeling.  He's never heard or read anything about this from an objective third party that might better put things in layman's terms.

I also went to the library and picked up a couple books, one about understanding depression and two others that talk about how to deal with it and keep the "bad" times at bay. 

That's all I've been able to do so far.  I haven't really read much of the books yet either but completely plan to implement some of the ideas and suggestions and document how things go.  The good thing is, I really truely have hope that things will get better.  That I will gain the mental strength and tools to fight this as much as I can.

I don't know who owns this picture but if anyone does I would like to give them credit.

You know, it makes me kind of sad that my niche here is depression it's so ..... depressing :( .  But it's me and so many other people in the world.  If I can help anyone to understand this better I would love that.


Friday, January 25, 2013

The Roller Coaster of My Brain


I know I've written about this once, maybe twice before but after a meltdown the other night I realized how clueless people who don't experience these feelings and reactions are when it comes to depression.  I don't use "clueless" in a negative way, but just stating a fact. 

Let's start at the beginning of my story.  I didn't know I was "depressed" at the time.  I thought it was a phase, just weird thoughts running through my head, temporary lapses in judgement.  But looking back, some of what I did wasn't "normal".  It started in high school, about 13 years ago.  Overall I was a happy person but then the time came that I heard my parents arguing in the other room, so I left the house for a while to see if anyone would notice.  They didn't.  I felt "down" one day after a bowling match, we'd gotten back around 7pm.  I didn't want to be with anyone and didn't want to call anyone to pick me up so I made the 2.2mile walk in the dark and cold home.  This time someone noticed.  I know I had the thought, "I want to die." more than I could count.  But once I took a little step closer to making that wish a reality.  I remember holding a bottle of pills.  Wondering, how many it would take.  One night I sat on my windowsill, feet outside thinking, if I fall, I don't want to die, I just want to be really injured badly.  I can still remember those feelings now.  I remember telling my muscles just to push myself off. 

I never did these things though.  Somewhere in the back of my mind I still had the sense to tell myself not to do it.  I heard myself saying how stupid and silly it was.  That I had nothing to be depressed about.  I had a good life, so much better than a majority of the people in the entire world.  So why did I feel like this?

Along with the periods of feeling worthless, I would have periods of rage.  I would slam doors.  As I got older I wanted (I shouldn't be using the past tense here) to hurt things, hurt myself.  It's like, if I hurt these things, I won't hurt anything, or anyone, else.  But even so, it's not a conscious thought.  When I get into these states, there are two parts of me.  There is the part that is still conscious, still there literally saying to myself, "Don't do this.  It's childish and ridiculous.  Don't do it.".  But then there is the other side of me.  The primal, chemically driven side that simply says, "Fuck you." But it doesn't use words, it displays those emotions by carrying through with the actions. 

I kicked a hole in our wall two days ago.  That's one of the more damaging things I've done.  I lost it.  There wasn't any one thing that caused it.  It was that everything, starting at 3am the prior morning when my son woke up, that day went wrong, so wrong.  By the end of the day, I was exhausted from lack of sleep, exhausted from my workout, stressed from work, came home to a poopy diaper which should have already been changed, among a plethora of other things.  By the time I was cleaning the diaper and got poop on my hand and some water splashed out, I lost it.  I kicked the wall. 

My husband didn't know this at first but I wanted to tell him before he saw for himself.  So I told him, he didn't respond.  He was mad at me.  The Bage doesn't get mad at me often so it's a big deal for me.

So the cycle began.  I started crying about why I was so upset and tired and that I'm sorry and I didn't mean it, etc, etc.  But it's happened more than once.  He once again told me, as he has various other times over the last 5.5 years that he just didn't understand.  He said, "I get upset and angry at things but I deal with it.".  So the cycle begins of me trying to explain to him what is going on it my head, why I do what I do. 

I don't know that this will turn light bulbs on over peoples' heads but maybe generate a little current so there is a little more awareness and understanding.  If anything else, maybe other people that deal with this on a day to day basis won't feel as alone in their thoughts and feelings as I have these past 13 years.

I have to go for now but I will definitely write more.


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Really Pinterest People?

When I first got on Pinterest at the end of 2010 (I think it was around then...that seems so long ago!)..anyway, when I got on Pinterest I was hooked, addicted, not allowed to use my computer if I had to do something in the next couple hours.  I would spend hours and hours scrolling and pinning and scrolling.  I loved it. 

I still love it, but not as much.  I don't even think it's that the novelty has worn off, I just think the user crowd has changed.  I know the purpose of Pinterest is to create a visual organizer for ideas and inspiration.  But I feel like everything I see are wedding ideas, baby nurseries, fashion.  And sure, you want some ideas (I know I've pinned one or two nurseries) but it's just gotten out of control!!  I see all these hair and nail ideas, and every single time I think, who the fuck cares?!  Why are these things so prevalent?  Whatever happened to unique, quirky, original? 

Sorry for the rant but I was just on Pinterest and couldn't help but think about that.  I know if it frustrates me so much I should pick certain categories, etc.  Oh well.... I'll get over it.


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Job, Job, go away ....

I really shouldn't say that.  It makes me sound ungrateful for the job I do have.  Well trust me, I'm not ungrateful by any means... you'll see what I mean below.

I feel like I'm starting to get bored with my job.  I don't know if it's just me but I feel like after a year and a half (at any job), I get antsy.  I'm not sure if I'm just so intelligent (insert laughter here) that I get bored and need more of a challenge or if I'm just so dumb that what I'm doing is too challenging and I don't want to be held fully responsible for my actions once out of the training period.  Regardless, I'm bored.

The problem now is, I have responsibility.  I know I know, it sucks.  Well kind of.  I mean, my responsibilities are keeping my Crinkle alive (an awesome responsibility) as well as maintaining a house ... which again awesome.  They're awesome in that I am fortunate enough to be able to have both of those things (and more).  Anyway, I can't just up and leave my job like that. 

The Bage has interviewed and has a good shot at getting a promotion here in the next week.  With that comes a significant pay raise.  I could now stay at home if I wanted to.  It's tempting, yes, but I keep asking myself is that in the best interest of everyone?


Less stress - (except for the days that the Crinks stresses me out)
No deadlines and set "working hours"
Spend more time with the Crinks
Take care of the house during the day and get food prepped at night so we have more family time when The Bage does get home
Reduction of expenses (gas, going out to eat, work clothes, etc)
More flexibility on chosing a work place when I do decide to return to work
Freedom to enter Masters program full-time


No extra $
Takes the Crinks away from his friends and experiences at daycare
Takes me out of the work place for some time which could be negative in the future
Reduced paid benefits (401k, great medical insurance, paid vacation, etc)
Tighter finances (I guess that goes along with "No extra $")
Would need to pay for masters ourselves or wait a while if I wanted to continue doing it
No continueing insurance education and getting trip to Hawaii
More stress with coordinating things with Crinks

So really, not only are there more "Pros" but they are richer in the quality so to speak of their being.  That sounds really weird.  Another way to put would to be to say that the "Cons" are shallow reasons, money and benefit-based.  Not that they're not good reasons but what would really help direct me to a more positive love-filled life?  It's hard to say, I don't handle money stress well, I also worry a lot about the future so the money concerns are strong.  Things also work out well as they are now ... sigh so much to think about.  Well, as with most things in life, when it's time to make a move, I'll know.

I'm not one of those people that just sits around and waits for things to come to me but I do wait for a good opportunity.

Like, now, this is a good opportunity to stop writing and START WORKING!  (booooo )


Thursday, January 10, 2013

Cloth Diapering ... Full time!

This is how us "hard-core" full-time working moms do it (See link below).  I've seen a number of comments different places *cough* Facebook *cough* where people have been like, "Oh, I can use cloth diapers because I'm a stay at home mom."  Well you know what cookie?  I can cloth diaper, stay at work and home as well be awesome in general. 

The Cloth Diaper Revival: Real Life Cloth Diapering: Full time Cloth Diaperi...:

Anyway, not trying to put anyone down, just trying to squash any rumors out there for people who think they can't use cloth because they work full time.  Now, I've heard of some issues with daycares not allowing it for this reason and that, so sure, there are exceptions.  But as Jenny posted in the above, it's all about figuring out a routine and what is convenient for you. 

I would love to be able to have spent the minimum on a stash of 15-20 diapers but I need to have a life outside of laundry.  I think we currently have around 30-35 one-size to "medium" size diapers.  This is plenty.  This also gives me a "cheat" day.  The day that I just really can't bring myself to do laundry .....  oooorrrr completely forget.  Not that that ever happens.  Heh, hem.

Anyway, I just really agreed with the above, it's not as scary once you get into it as well...it just becomes a part of the every day.

If any reads this, feel free to ask any questions.  I'd be happy to answer.  I'm such a huge advocate of cloth!

Meggie Sue

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year...

...New Me.  Well, not really.  I can't say that I have any resolutions this year.  I really didn't state a resolution last year.  I think the unstated one was that I was going to lose weight and eat healthy.   I'd say I managed that fairly well. 

After a slow start in the begining of the year working out at lunch time at my office gym... I picked up the pace in July when I saw a Groupon for a local studio.  Hyde Park Body Boutique.  I seriously owe so much of my success to the ladies there.  Candice (the owner) and Amber in particular!  Without Candice's meal plans to help give me a better idea on what "eating healthy" really is, it would have been much harder.  Not to sound like a drone or anything here but for me, it helps when someone tells me what I'm going to eat.  Amber runs the boot camp classes I go to three days a week (sometimes 4 if I'm lucky!). 

HPBB is a smaller studio located in Hyde Park, Cincinnati, OH.  It's all women and the class sizes are small.  I've really felt comfortable there (even at my weight of 265lbs when I started), never judged.  And soon, as time when on, I felt like I couldn't just skip a class.  Because the classes are small, even though I know no one was judging me, I felt like I had to be there.  The classes are different every day....so no boring routines.  If it's nice out, we run out side a little even.  I hate running so luckily we don't usually do that.  But there is always a wide variety of things to do to work every part of your body. 

Since starting there in July, I've lost about 25lbs!  It's so hard to believe.  It's incredible the difference I feel ... just stronger, healthier, empowered.  Anyway, if you're from the Cincinnati area you NEED to go there.  It's a little pricier than other gyms but Candice will sometimes have sales on classes or a Groupon.  It's worth it though. 

A side note, HPBB recently won a small business contest where they received money to expand the studio by purchasing spin bicycles.  It's growing and there is lots of love :)

What else .... no other resolutions I guess.  Just continue to live and love life.  Maybe work on a few of my "30 before 30" things.... I've got about 2.5 years.  OH MY GOD.  Seriously.... 2.5 years and I'll be 30.  I might have a tiney meltdown on that birthday. 

Alright, back to being all sickly and working.  BOOOOOOoooooo

Meggie Sue