This is how us "hard-core" full-time working moms do it (See link below). I've seen a number of comments different places *cough* Facebook *cough* where people have been like, "Oh, I can use cloth diapers because I'm a stay at home mom." Well you know what cookie? I can cloth diaper, stay at work and home as well be awesome in general.
The Cloth Diaper Revival: Real Life Cloth Diapering: Full time Cloth Diaperi...:
Anyway, not trying to put anyone down, just trying to squash any rumors out there for people who think they can't use cloth because they work full time. Now, I've heard of some issues with daycares not allowing it for this reason and that, so sure, there are exceptions. But as Jenny posted in the above, it's all about figuring out a routine and what is convenient for you.
I would love to be able to have spent the minimum on a stash of 15-20 diapers but I need to have a life outside of laundry. I think we currently have around 30-35 one-size to "medium" size diapers. This is plenty. This also gives me a "cheat" day. The day that I just really can't bring myself to do laundry ..... oooorrrr completely forget. Not that that ever happens. Heh, hem.
Anyway, I just really agreed with the above, it's not as scary once you get into it as just becomes a part of the every day.
If any reads this, feel free to ask any questions. I'd be happy to answer. I'm such a huge advocate of cloth!
Meggie Sue
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