So I've seen this here and there but I really like the idea of picking 30 things I want to accomplish before I'm 30. I think everything on here is very attainable. It's a lot of stuff that I never have the 'time' for. You know, all that time I spend sitting around on my ass is clearly already booked.
So here it is in no particular order:
1) Have 2nd and last baby. I mean come on, who wouldn't want another baby as precious as he is?
2) Go to Paris
3) Cook at least 3 meals a week (I don’t like to cook so much so this is ambitious)
4) Be debt free (aside from my mortgage)
5) Have a getaway for every wedding anniversary just The Bage and I
6) Finish Wedding/Honeymoon Scrap Book
7) FINISH WEDDING ALBUM! (I got married 10/15/10 !!)
8) Finish a baby scrapbook (small)
9) Make DIY Roman blinds - random but something I want to do!
10) Watch every Oscar nominated movie for any given year
11) Lose 100 lbs.
12) Buy my own kayak (or single shell) and learn to flip over
13) Donate hair to locks of love
14) See a Coldplay concert in another city
15) Throw a surprise party for Kelly
16) Take a beginning sewing class
17) Earn my CPCU designation
18) Volunteer at an animal shelter
19) Learn to let go and forgive
20) Meditate at least 5 days a week for 5 minutes
21) Go one weekend without doing anything productive (I will regret that later :) )
22) Start a garden
23) Throw a party
24) Break habit of biting cuticles

25) Travel and stay in a state I’ve never been before
26) Organize photos and photo albums
27) Sell The Bage’s baseball cards
28) Go to Harry Potter World!
29) Get iPhone
30) Love my family, Love myself, Love life
That last one seems like such a no brainier but sometimes, it's really hard for me (especially loving myself and life). At risk of sounding cheesy here, there is so much to live for that you really do need to appreciate everything life has to offer.
So that's it....maybe I'll write more later, about nothing in particular. Aren't you excited!? hahah
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