Okay so I don’t want to forget this (although it’s already
been 8 months as of this coming Sunday!) so I thought maybe I could write some
things down…
My pregnancy was an awesome pregnancy! Seriously.
I was extremely tired the
first trimester. I would go to my car
and nap at lunch and sometimes even doze off while at my desk. Uh oh… haha.
Anyway, no morning sickness, no back pain, just hungry. I craved steak and salad for the first few
months. After that it turned to anything
orange. Orange juice, oranges, orange popsicles,
etc. My the time I’d reached my third
trimester I wanted fruit and milk. Oh my
goodness did I want milk. I would go through
a gallon by. my. self. within 2-3 days.
It was pretty crazy.
I was big but very happy.
I worked out and did pre-natal water aerobics and even got a personal
trainer when I was over 30 weeks along.
After a while I couldn’t go because I got way to uncomfortable to get on
the elliptical and other machines.
I tested just fine for gestational diabetes (aka, didn’t
have it) but when I was 36 weeks along I was diagnosed with gestation
hypertension. My blood pressure wasn’t
way off the charts but it was high and I was feeling crappy. So I was put on bed rest.
It was really difficult at first. I’m so used to just being all go go go and
here I had to stop. The first week was hard
but then I got used to it. I’d play
video games and read and I got a lot of things done that I kept putting off
(like organize my address book).
I started having contractions Saturday morning July 30th. At first I thought it was just gas that was
stuck. It hurt but then went away. After about an hour I thought, hmmm maybe
this isn’t gas and I started timing. I realized that I was starting to contract
every 15 to 20 minutes! I tried to go
about my normal day (of laying around :p) and ended up going to Target with The
Bage just to move around some and see if I couldn’t help things along. We were at Target for a long time where I
(luckily) had a shopping cart to lean on.
I just slowly waddled around there stopping when I needed too. I felt like this all day and it went into the
night when we called the doctor’s office when the contractions were 5-7 minutes
apart. They said not to call or go to
the hospital until I was 2-3 minutes apart.
Sunday morning I woke up and they were gone. It was sort of disappointing but this time we
decided to go to the mall and walk around.
We were barely in there 15 minutes when I just had to leave. I wasn’t contracting but I was SO
uncomfortable. Plus, I didn’t have anything
to lean my large self on. The
contractions stayed away for the remainder of afternoon and most of the
evening. Well, they decided to pick up
again that night. They were harder and
more frequent out of the blue. I started
timing them and they were around 5 minutes but by the time 1:00am rolled around
they were 2-3 minutes. So, we headed to the hospital!
They checked me into triage and determined I was indeed in
the early stages of labor so they got me admitted and into my room.
The remainder of the morning I spent walking around the
floor, bouncing on a ball and spent a good hour in the shower dozing in and
out. Finally the time came though when I
was having 2 to 3 contractions back to back that I gave in and got the
That (in my opinion) was the worst thing in the world. I could feel the needle IN MY BACK! I pass out getting blood drawn mind you so
yeah, not cool! The anesthesiologist
yelled at me because I kept jumping and flinching. Finally she got it in and it was like night
and day. I could breath. That was the big thing; I could breath and
relax for a second. And you know, for as
wonderful as that felt I will still try and go natural with my second
I think I’ll save the rest for later. I’m getting tired of typing! I’m wordy, can you tell??
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