Wednesday, June 20, 2012


So, this happened about 6 months ago but I really want to give a shout out to the customer service at Keurig.

So we've had our Keurig since December of 2009 and LOVE it.  We used it pretty frequently and really tried to take care of it with regular cleanings and using filtered water.  On occasion we'd have an issue with it not brewing the full amount but it would eventually correct itself.

Keurig Special Edition...isn't it pretty? :)

Well, in December of 2011 our Keurig Special Edition finally bit the dust and was brewing about 2 ounces less every time.  We didn't want our coffee to go to waste so we'd add more which would result sometimes in an over-brewing or coffee that was more weak than we wanted.  So I called Keurig's customer service.

First of all, it was on a Saturday morning so I was nervous that I'd just get a recorded message saying that they were only open Monday through Friday from 9am to 5pm.  No, I easily got through to a representative who was really nice.  I explained the issue I was having.  She'd asked me a bunch of troubleshooting questions and had me a try a couple different things.  When all of that didn't work, she looked at her records to see if my warranty was still valid.  It wasn't.  It was over a year expired.  And do you know what she did??

She extended my warranty for FREE!!! AND sent us a BRAND NEW KEURIG SPECIAL EDITION!

Seriously, I couldn't believe that.  I thought I'd have to mail it in and have they work to fix it.  So now we have a nice new Keurig that every time I look at it I think of what a great experience that all was.

I think there is so much negativity in this world that I think people need to hear the good too!


Monday, June 11, 2012

Wow, so it’s been over a month since I’ve written last.  I feel like I’ve been running around like crazy both mentally and physically.  Because SO much has gone on in the past month, I’m going to do a little bullet point recap…

·        Crinks has his front two bottom teeth and his top 4 are coming in (

·        The wall around our bathtub has been retiled and looks AMAZING!  I’m sure I have a before photo somewhere to show you. 

·        Because of the above tile renovation, we didn’t have use of our shower for the last 2 weeks!  We had to go to my friend’s or parent’s house. 

·        Crinks has been taking steps and almost walked from one side of the living room to the other without falling!

·        We moved our bulky items into our storage unit and signed a contract with our realtor to sell the house!  We don’t have to move or anything, it just seemed like the right time to sell. 

·        At work I've been assigned a territory and am dealing with my own agencies.  Things have definitely picked up around here!

·        My best friend ever moved back from Florida so now I get to see her…

·        I am 5 pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight!  So that isn’t the most recent number.  Since we were having bathroom work done I haven’t had access to a scale.  I don’t feel like I gained weight but who knows any more these days.  Let’s just go with 5 lbs…okay? ;P

While that isn’t all that’s been going on, it pretty much sums things up.  So what do I have to look forward too?

·        Going to CONEY ISLAND (the pool in Ohio, not that lame place in NY :p )

·        Going to Wild About Wine at the Zoo – a wine tasting event at the zoo where you get to pet certain animals (last time I got to pet a Potto, monitor lizard, and a wallaby), drink wine, and eat stuff!

·        Officially getting our house on the market (once the bathtub re-glaze is done)

I think life is going to be fairly hectic for a while now until our house is sold and we can move in elsewhere.  There are two houses I LOVE right now.  One is $100,000 less than the other.  I know the decision I SHOULD make but I also love the more expensive a LOT more…in more ways than 1!  If it’s still on the market when our house sells I’ll have to see what I can do to make that happen!

