Tuesday, July 30, 2013

8 Weeks

So I had my first appointment last Tuesday.  I normally see the midwives for my annual check-ups so that is who I saw for this.  It went really well!  She seemed impressed by my weight loss since having Crinkles and said that based on the fact that I didn’t have any other complications that I should be okay to stay with the midwives.  My next appointment is at 11 weeks.  I know they’re going to do a blood panel but am not sure about an ultrasound.  I’m not sure how that works with the midwives. 


That having been said, I’ve got another week down in the books.  I’ve had some recent fears pop up about being able to nurse down the road.  My breasts are sore and have sort of swollen but not a ton.  I try not to be upset about my reduction but I do wish I’d waited until after having kids.  If I knew then what I know now….



How far along? 8 Weeks

Sleep? It’s whatever.  I only sometimes wake up in the middle of the night and need to use the restroom.  Kind of weird.  Last time it was like clockwork.

Maternity Clothes? Nope.

Stretch Marks? No new ones.

Best Moment this week? I don’t know …. Taking naps almost every day?

Miss Anything? Medication and not constantly feeling tired.

Movement? Nope, not yet.  I have had these weird muscle spasms at the top of my abdomen so I’m not sure what’s up with that but it’s been the last couple days and it’s been really annoying.

Size of the Baby? Kidney Bean

Food Cravings? Not really….I’ll crave something and then once I get it, I don’t want it again.  My food desires have been weird….

Food Aversions? ‘Fast Food’

Morning Sickness? Very light nausea. Could pass for hunger. Maybe it is?

Gender? Unknown. But we will find out!

Bed Rest? Nope

Limitations? Nope

Labor Signs? Nope

Weight Gain? Very slowly creeping up.

Pregnancy Symptoms? Light nausea, taste and smell are affected, urinating more frequently, feeling a pressure/snugness down there.

Belly Button In or Out? In

Wedding Rings On or Off? On

Mood? Whiney!

Looking Forward To? My baby boy (*cough* 2 year old’s) birthday party on Saturday!


Tuesday, July 23, 2013

7 Weeks

So I was on vacation last week and didn’t have an opportunity to update for 6 weeks.  Since there really isn’t a huge difference between 7 and 6, I’ll just make one. 


I did tell The Bage about CJ.  I waited a day and ended up taking the pregnancy test and putting it in a gift bag with tissue paper.  On top of the test I wrote on a little index card, “Hi Daddy! Love, CJ”


He stood there for about 30 seconds (which if you’ve ever done public speaking you know is a long time!) with his mouth open staring at me.  It was kind of comical.  He asked me something that I would find inappropriate to type on here but I answered in the affirmative to the fact that yes, I’m pregnant. 


He, like me, took a little while to get acclimated to the idea.  At first I thought he was kind of upset but I just reminded myself that I was a little shocked and I’m the one who it’s happening too (therefore have been experiencing weird things for a little while and at lease had an inkling).  Anyway, he’s a guy and while is a sensitive guy, like most guys, he’s not the most perceptive on all those little things.


Anyway, we’re really excited and can’t believe I’m 7 weeks today!  We told our parents almost 2 weeks ago.  We told my mom and step-dad first because we were on vacation in Lake Tahoe, CA last week and while I’m not a huge drinker anyway, we wanted them to have the heads up.  I casually dropped into a conversation at their house one nice that Gavin is going to be a big brother.


Other than our parents (and siblings), I’ve told my best friend Meg and my good friend Ashley.  It’s nice to have some friends know so you can talk about it to someone.


The cool thing about Meg is that she’s only 5 weeks ahead of me!



How far along? 7 Weeks!


Sleep? Not the greatest but I can’t tell if it’s due to the time change, the mattress, etc…


Maternity Clothes? Nope.


Stretch Marks? No new ones.


Best Moment this week? Telling my best friend that we’re going to have babies about a month apart!


Miss Anything? My medication.  Seriously…. All things considered, I’m doing well without but there are things this time around that I didn’t have to deal with last time.


Movement? Nope, not yet.

Size of the Baby? Blueberry

Food Cravings? Not really…. Just overall healthy foods


Food Aversions? ‘Fast Food’


Morning Sickness? Very light nausea. Could pass for hunger. Maybe it is?


Gender? Unknown. But we will find out!


Bed Rest? Nope


Limitations? Nope


Labor Signs? Nope


Weight Gain? Goes up and down but balances out.


Pregnancy Symptoms? Light nausea, taste and smell are affected, and my dog was smelling my boobs.

Belly Button In or Out? In


Wedding Rings On or Off? On


Mood? Whiney!


Looking Forward To? My first appointment today.


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

5 Weeks!

I just found out I'm pregnant and have only told my one friend at work.  I had to tell someone!  I'm trying to come up with a fun way to tell The Bage.  It’s exciting, but in a different way from the first and I want to come up with something fun.  Plus, he only just 2 days ago said, “I’m ready for the next kid.”  And I’m 5 weeks now… you do the math ;) .  Trust me, there was no mal-intent or trickery here.  We talked about this a month ago and he was cool with it.  He has told me in the past, “Don’t tell me when you get off the pill.”  He doesn’t like feeling that pressure to perform.  I get it.  Anyway, I got off the pill a little over a month ago and didn’t want to get back on just to get off it again.  Well, it happened and I got pregnant!  At first I was shocked.  Like, I threw the pregnancy test away and was having a hard time convincing myself that that little plus sign was actually there.  I ended up running out and getting another test and it was positive too!  Anyway, I’m in a smidge of shock.  I did just call and make my first doctor’s appointment!  It’s just crazy to think that I’m going to be going through this all again J
How far along? 5 Weeks!  Just found out I am pregnant with Crinkles Junior on 7/9/13

Sleep? I’ve been tossing and turning a little the last couple days but I really don’t think that it’s pregnancy-related just yet.

Maternity Clothes? I don’t NEED them but I do have some that I wear because they’re cute!


Stretch Marks? Yes, there were there from my last darling child.  Not far enough along to have new ones.

Best Moment this week? Finding out the little surprise that I’m pregnant!!

Miss Anything? The thought of not getting to have this delicious beer and tequila I recently got.

Movement? Nope, not yet.

Size of the Baby? Appleseed

Food Cravings? Not really…. Just overall healthy food3

Food Aversions? ‘Fast Food’

Morning Sickness? Very light nausea.  Could pass for hunger.  Maybe it is?


Gender? Unknown.


Bed Rest? Nope

Limitations? Nope

Labor Signs? Nope


Weight Gain? I’m actually down a couple pounds.

Pregnancy Symptoms? Light nausea, taste and smell are affected, and my dog was smelling my boobs.

Belly Button In or Out? In

Wedding Rings On or Off? On

Mood? A little disbelief

Looking Forward To? Telling my husband I’m pregnant!