Monday, June 11, 2012

Wow, so it’s been over a month since I’ve written last.  I feel like I’ve been running around like crazy both mentally and physically.  Because SO much has gone on in the past month, I’m going to do a little bullet point recap…

·        Crinks has his front two bottom teeth and his top 4 are coming in (

·        The wall around our bathtub has been retiled and looks AMAZING!  I’m sure I have a before photo somewhere to show you. 

·        Because of the above tile renovation, we didn’t have use of our shower for the last 2 weeks!  We had to go to my friend’s or parent’s house. 

·        Crinks has been taking steps and almost walked from one side of the living room to the other without falling!

·        We moved our bulky items into our storage unit and signed a contract with our realtor to sell the house!  We don’t have to move or anything, it just seemed like the right time to sell. 

·        At work I've been assigned a territory and am dealing with my own agencies.  Things have definitely picked up around here!

·        My best friend ever moved back from Florida so now I get to see her…

·        I am 5 pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight!  So that isn’t the most recent number.  Since we were having bathroom work done I haven’t had access to a scale.  I don’t feel like I gained weight but who knows any more these days.  Let’s just go with 5 lbs…okay? ;P

While that isn’t all that’s been going on, it pretty much sums things up.  So what do I have to look forward too?

·        Going to CONEY ISLAND (the pool in Ohio, not that lame place in NY :p )

·        Going to Wild About Wine at the Zoo – a wine tasting event at the zoo where you get to pet certain animals (last time I got to pet a Potto, monitor lizard, and a wallaby), drink wine, and eat stuff!

·        Officially getting our house on the market (once the bathtub re-glaze is done)

I think life is going to be fairly hectic for a while now until our house is sold and we can move in elsewhere.  There are two houses I LOVE right now.  One is $100,000 less than the other.  I know the decision I SHOULD make but I also love the more expensive a LOT more…in more ways than 1!  If it’s still on the market when our house sells I’ll have to see what I can do to make that happen!



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