Wednesday, August 14, 2013

10 Weeks

I like this number 10 so far.  It’s nice and even, it’s technically 25% of the way done if you want to think about it that way!  It’s funny how when you look at things in months vs weeks, the feeling about it varies.  For example:  I’m 10 weeks.  I can have my ultrasound and find out the gender of ol’ CJ here at 20 weeks.  I’m ½ way there!!!  Or we look at it this way, I’m “only” 2.5 months along.  That doesn’t seem very far.  I don’t know, maybe you have to have been pregnant or be currently pregnant to understand.  Or maybe no one understands!!!


I feel this time around emotions have been running high and all over the place.  The tough part for me, and this even happened before becoming pregnant was that dealing with depression, I’ve found it difficult to determine what reactions are a result of the depression so to speak and what is a result of hormones.  I can tell you one thing; I’m very thankful that either way, my husband tries to understand and doesn’t get upset with me about it.  We’ve gotten to the point I think that he knows he doesn’t understand and I’ve explained the best I could.  I think he knows I don’t do malicious or destructive things intentionally.  Anyway, anyway, back to what I was talking about …. I think it’s just hard dealing with all of this.  On top of it all, I’m in a more stressful job now than what I was in 2.5 years ago and I now have a 2 year old (who LOVES the word, ‘NO’ and doing everything the opposite of what mommy asks…) to keep me busy *cough* insane *cough*.  This should be interesting and I just need to keep thinking positive thoughts.  I know my medication is there if I absolutely need it but I want to do whatever I can not to take it.  Random tangent there…


Now for the interesting stuff…

How far along? 10 Weeks

Sleep? Good.  I get up to pee once a night but no troubles falling back asleep.  I’m talented like that J 

Maternity Clothes?  Only at home where everyone knows.  I can button my regular jeans but they’re definitely snug and uncomfortable.  I’m not ready to change my entire wardrobe yet and announce to the whole world that what looks like a blob of fat (IS A BLOB OF FAT) but is covering an itsy bitsy baby bump.  Because when that happens, everyone will want to look at my baby bump but all they will see is my fat blob.  Awwww L

Stretch Marks? No new ones.

 Best Moment this week? Not being really really ridiculously tired (I’m always really really ridiculously good looking so get over it!)

Miss Anything? Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, No. (Another movie reference for you.  If you get it without help, we should be best friends)

Movement? Don’t think so.  Those gas bubbles like to move though.

 Size of the Baby? A kumquat.  What the fuck is a kumquat? 

 Food Cravings? This last week it was pizza, wings, Indian food.  All cravings taken care of.  Check!

 Food Aversions? Not really.

Morning Sickness? No, random short-lived nausea.

 Gender? Unknown. But we will find out!

 Bed Rest? Nope

Limitations? Nope

 Labor Signs? Nope

Weight Gain? About 4-5 lbs.  Probably more than that…hopefully not L.  I’m depressed about this.  I’ve been feeling really picky about food and I’m not exercising to the level I need to be to counter the food I’ve been eating.  I’m nervous to go to the doctor and see the numbers.   I just need to watch what I’m eating….

Pregnancy Symptoms? Tired but not exhausted, feel a pressure in my uterine-area,, I don’t know….

 Belly Button In or Out? In

Wedding Rings On or Off? On

 Mood? All over the place but overall good.

Looking Forward To?  Wild About Wine tomorrow night!  My zoo has a fund raising event where they have vendors donate wine and food.  I’ll have a few sips here and there but at this point I’m just going for the food! 

Also looking forward to my first "official' appointment next Tuesday.  They will be taking some blood and checking sh*t out!


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